thank god for this little face!
we enjoyed all of our christmas decor so much that we left it up till the middle of January. ya right! after returning home, we had piles of christmas loot to sort thru (thanks everyone!), a baby on a sleep strike, a dad suffering through returning to work, and a sick mama. so it took us a while to get to everything, but now i feel like we are finally settled at home again. ahhhhh.....
not only are we settled, but we are actually getting some sleep! after a few rough days with little sleep, we decided that we had to do something to save our sanity. and now that marea's a bit older, it's time to teach her the joy of sleeping. and much to my suprise and delight, there has been very few tears! yippee, marea! i'd fill you in on the details but i'm planning on making millions when i start my baby sleep consulting business, as i've tried EVERYTHING!
of course, I'd feel like Bush standing on an aircraft carrier with a mission accomplished sign, if I was to say we've won the battle. i'm sure she's still got a few tricks up her sleeve, just to keep us on our toes.
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