Monday, January 22, 2007

Run Homer Run!

Homer's reign as King of the Floor has officially ended. Marea can crawl.

He doesn't know it yet, because she's still too busy going through the magazines on the lower half of our coffee table and chasing down electrical cords (which we need to deal with ASAP!), but as soon as she's finished with that, i'm pretty sure he's next.

It started on Saturday morning. She just woke up and showed us her new moves. She seems pretty excited at her new ability to get around, so excited that she hasn't been able to take her morning nap! But i'm not sweating it....this is bound to tire her out, right? Right!!! Right?????

She's not very fast yet, but I know it won't be long and she'll be racing around. So my task for this week is to get started on marea-proofing the house.
Free will, here we come.

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