Thursday, January 25, 2007

Welcome to Our World!

Hello Everyone!

So I started working on this right before Christmas, and of course didn't get very far over the holidays. But now we're back and i've put some time into this, and i'm ready to send it out for your enjoyment. But really, the enjoyment is all mine. There is nothing I would rather do than show off my Little Missy Pie!

So here it is, our new blog. For those of you who don't know what this is (mom), it's an online diary, which I plan on using to capture all those crazy, fun, amazing moments that Marea and I (and daddy too) share on a daily basis. Because just like everyone told me, time is going by way too fast, and I don't want to forget any of this! I'm still sleep deprived too, so chances are i'll forget a lot unless I write it down. And of course, I wanted a way to share more of her life with everyone who lives far away.

Check out the cool photos section at the top of the page! I'm really happy about that part. I plan on adding to this blog and to the pictures as much as I can. Which may be a lot these days as Marea is taking way better naps. So check back often!

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