Thursday, December 21, 2006

a griswald family christmas

i must admit, i got into the christmas spirit this year. it's been a long time since i really felt much for the holidays, but this year is different. in the eight years that gary and i have been together, we've only gotten a tree once. decorating always seemed like such a chore, and we wouldn't be home on christmas day anways, so why bother? shopping was an excruciating experience, always left for the last minute.

don't get me wrong, we always enjoy seeing our family and friends, and we LOVE eating and drinking in excess....and everyone knows i love presents.

but this year is different. we got ourselves a big, beautiful tree the first week of december. soon after, the house was covered with lights. the shopping was pretty much finished last week, and the presents are wrapped and under the tree. we're ready!

so why the sudden change of heart?

her name is Marea. kids just make christmas so much more fun!

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