Wednesday, July 22, 2009

She NEVER stops moving

Evie has an amazing amount of energy.  She never stops moving unless she's in her high chair eating.  And trust me, we trap here there often and feed her, just to keep her still for a bit.  She walks this house ALL DAY LONG.  Round and round and round.  Wandering.  Picking things up, waving them around, giving them a taste, tossing them on the floor and then it's on to the next thing.  Every day, all day.  It's crazy.  She prefers to be in whatever room i'm in, especially if it's the kitchen, because she wouldn't want to miss out on a scrap of food.  She will come over and tug on my pants (to the point of pulling them down once!) and let out her screams.  Is all of this cute?  Kind of.  Right now it's cute, as i'm talking about it.  But sometimes it drives me nuts!  What is cute is when she brings me books to read to her (Little Bee, Twinkle Twinkle, Bean), or her kitty, or her babies, to kiss.  And she makes that adorable nose when she brings something over....tssss. 

Marea just finished her first summer camp program at Hilltop.  A raging success.  She did GREAT, as I knew she would.  Tomorrow we're having all her friends over for a backyard kiddie pool playdate.  I think it's going to be super fun.  She made her first hopscotch in the backyard.  It was so cute, just a bunch of circles lined up.  One for me, one for her, and a tiny one for evie.  She's getting better at drawing.  She's putting thought into it and controlling the crayons.  She loves to draw Suns.  Perfect.  Me too.

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