Monday, July 6, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!

That sums it up for us right now.  Busy as can be.  Busy with lots of activities-parties, playdates, pool days-and busy chasing the girls around.  Especially little miss E.  The child is crazy.  She walks the whole house, over and over and over again, screeching with happiness.  She's loud and excited.  And she can be pretty fussy and needy, too!  She doesn't like it when we leave the room.  She requires constant attention.  Which is good, because it makes me stop, and pay attention!  And seeing as though the baby stage is going by way to fast, i'm glad to have her demanding me to sit back and enjoy.  Her faves, right now:  walking everywhere, her baby white kitty, (and homer too!), jumping on giant lamb, eating cat food and shoes,  stealing Marea's pacis in the morning...and Marea just in general.  She loves watching Marea and taking over whatever she is doing.  
Marea has been quite the pleasure lately.  Her vocabulary is expanding, still, and the conversations are even more fun and interesting.  Especially when she talks about things she remembers from the past.  Sometimes she'll recall something that I forgot about, or puts her own little spin on something, and it's just so amusing to me.  I can't remember any of those things right now, but i'll try to think of something!  
We took Marea to Mahe for the first time last week, and she ate her fill of sushi!  The kid has good taste!  I love that she loves food.  Although she has a sweet tooth too...she demands her treat every night after dinner!    We had our first sleepover at our house last week, Harper and Mary came and spent the night, so I guess it was a sleepover for me too!  Marea loves sleepovers.  Hopefully we'll have lots of them in the future.  

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