Friday, August 29, 2008

Is it a toddler thing or a girl thing????

We're going through some issues which some may label as part of the 'terrible twos'.  I prefer not to call it that, since I am finding that two is so much fun and I understand exactly what is going on with Marea and her new found independence.  But that doesn't mean that some things arn't driving me, her inability to make up her mind!  She has become the queen of making a decision, changing her mind, then changing it again, and again, and again.  And all the while, fussing and whining about it.  The funny thing is, she can usually have whatever it is that she wants, it's just that she changes her mind in the middle of getting it and then fusses and whines because it's not what she wants anymore.  I guess she's just exploring her ability to affect change and make decisions.  Or maybe she's testing the limits of my patience.  I don't mind that she changes her mind back and forth between two things a bunch of times, but I just can't stand the whining and fussing!  I think Gary gets the worst of it in the  morning, when she's just gotten up and she wants her milk and something to eat. (In fact, it often revolves around what she wants to eat.)  I often hear a lot of whining coming from the kitchen in the mornings.  And i'm so grateful that it's Gary who is dealing with it because, lord knows, mornings are my absolute worst time!  
But overall,  I still know that we are the luckiest parents.  Today while wandering around Ikea I I heard and saw several toddlers crying.  Marea doesn't ever do that.  She may test and push limits and be very secure to express herself at home, but when we're out and about, whether it be our playgroup, or shopping, or with friends or family, she is always the most delightful and well behaved kid.  And I know that other people think that too, because I am always told how easy and what a great kid she is.  I agree!  

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