It's not even officially summer yet, but we're off to a fantastic start. I'm trying to squeeze in as much fun as we can possibly have before I get too big and the baby comes. So we're doing lots of stuff! Here's how we spent last week (just one week!)
Right after Utah, we had Grethe's wedding. Marea associates Grethe with the kitty jumpie now because I got it for Grethe's bachelorette party, but Marea got to enjoy it the whole next day. So when we were spending time with Grethe before her wedding, she would always say, "Jump in kitty". Marea was quite the dancing queen at the wedding. She really busted out of her shell and spent a lot of time tearing up the dance floor with all the other kids. It was super cute.
Then we headed off to Disneyland, with our friends Kate and Madison, for her first visit. It was definitely more for me than her, but she really enjoyed it. Her favorite things were the Jungle Cruise, Winnie the Pooh ride, the play area at Toon Town, the train ride and the parade. She's definitely not a disney manaic, *thank god*, because she's a little too young and I really haven't pushed any of the disney stuff. And i'm super happy about that, I hope it stays that way!
After that it was off to the Long Beach Aquarium with Auntie Conny, Jackie, Emily and Lauren. It was fun to see her enjoy it in new ways since our first visit last summer. She's definitely more interested in different things now. Her attention span for the fish is better, and she likes learning the names of different animals, since she loves words and talking so much. She really liked the seals this time. And the touch tanks.
THEN we saw ELMO LIVE! It's so funny because she actually refers to it as "elmo LIVE". I'm not really sure how she picked up on the 'live' part, but it's funny. She really enjoyed that, especially the part where they sang Itsy Bitsy Spider.
All that stuff happened in a week. Now is it any wonder why I don't get much written down in this blog? Time flies when you are having so much fun! Lots more is coming too....we have lots of great stuff to look forward to!
Marea is also moving into a big girl bed. I hope this goes smoothly....it probably will, she's so easygoing, i feel so fortunate that everything seems to go smoothly!
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