Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lots of Big Changes

It's been a busy few months.  We finally have a new house, and we had three back to back colds and we have a NEW BABY ON THE WAY.   Who has time to write with all the boxes to go through, runny noses,  4 canine teeth all at once, major loss of sleep, and the nausea to keep at bay?  Things are settling down a bit, although i'm starting to think my fantasy of a time when we'll just be 'coasting along' will never be a reality.  It seems like life just keeps giving us more and more these days.  Thankfully it's almost always good things.  I think the best thing lately has been a giant backyard, lots of warm sunshine, and some super garage sale finds which has turned our yard into the perfect little playground for the little miss.  She loves it out there, and I do too.  We already started on our garden.  This weekend we planted some seeds, which Marea helped with of course.  Gary and I did the tomatoes and zucchini, and Marea planted all the sunflowers by herself.  Just knowing that she picked up the seeds and pushed them into the dirt makes me that much more excited to watch them grow.  
I think Marea is having a growth spurt.  Is she growing out of her clothes? Not really....but she's been so darn clumsy lately!  It has to be that she's unsteady with her body right now.  She trips and falls and wobbles and crashes.  She's got a black eye, two bruises on her forehead and a skinned knee to prove it.  The fingernail that she's losing is not from the growth spurt though.  That's from a sailboat injury.  She's taking all of it like such a champ.  It hasn't slowed her down one bit.  Maybe that's the reason for all the injuries.  Nothing can slow her down, and she's getting more and more able and willing every day.  She really seems to be loving life and all her new found independence.  And she's putting 4 word sentences together!  Like, "look, daddy, wow poop!" 

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