Saturday, March 22, 2008

3, 5!

Marea recognizes numbers.  She sees them on her kitchen set, and in other various places.  She also understands that when there is more than one of something, that you can count them, like when she wakes up with a bed full of paci's, or sees a bowl full of strawberries.  When she see numbers, or when she wants to count, she happily exclaims, '3, 5'!  
Now I have tried and tried over and over again to get her to understand about 1 and 2.  But she's not having it.  In her world, 3 and 5 are good enough for now.  I promise she won't go to kindergarten only knowing 3 and 5.  
It's pretty cute, sometimes I will start and say, '1, 2,' and then she will happily yell out '3, 5!'.  Hey, we're a team, right?  

Speaking of numbers...7 is such a beautiful number.  Marea has been letting us sleep till about 7 for a few days now.  Funny thing is, I never would of appreciated 7 without being subjected to 5 for so long.  I am going to relish in this grace period before 2 arrives.  

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