We've had a busy few weeks! We took an unexpected trip to Long Beach (goodbye Mary Ann), followed by a visit from Auntie Sam and Uncle Robbie to celebrate Gary's birthday, followed by about two weeks with a cold. Marea and I were stuck indoors getting her well, but it didn't really slow her down much at all. She's really getting around these days, getting into everything. The house is pretty well childproofed and I try to let her explore as much as possible on her own. She's still absolutely head over heels for Homer. I don't think she'll ever tire of seeing him. And she loves pulling herself up to stand on everything, but the railings are her favorite by far. She's getting strong.
We started swimming lessons, and she is doing great! Daddy is her pool buddy. During the second lesson she was putting her face in the water and it didn't bother her at all. She's a natural. She'll be swimming this summer.
She's eating a wide varity of foods these days, and she never voluntarily misses a meal. We started finger foods this week, and as soon as she gets the hang of getting the food from her fingers into her mouth (istead of her fist) I know she's going to love it.
And to top it all off, she's getting cuter by the second.

The weather is nice, the baby is well, so this week we're getting out to enjoy our last few months in Santa Cruz.
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