Monday, May 17, 2010

The Blue Dress

So there's this blue dress up dress at school. Kind of a cinderella knock off dress. Marea wears it almost every single time she's at school. Playing dress up is her main kind of play at school. My favorite. In fact, playing dress up is a part of her life. Although at home we don't have 'dress up' dresses, she insists on wearing a dress almost every day. Clouds and rain are pretty much the only thing that gets her in pants. Sometimes its a struggle, because its just not warm enough yet for a summery sun dress every day. So, one day recently, as we were arguing over what she was going to wear, I said, what does it matter, if when you get to school, you're just going to wear the blue dress anyways? And Marea said "Mommy, you don't like that blue dress". Uh oh. She caught me. So I told her the truth, that I don't. We found a nice twirly dress I had got for her and I said that I liked it much better than the blue dress at school. And that day at school, (we were there together), she didn't put the blue dress on, and someone else did. As I was pushing her on the swing, and the other little girl was walking around in the blue dress, Marea said to me...."mommy, you're going to have to change your mind about that blue dress." And I said, why? And she said...."because it's so beautiful". I'm guessing this situation is going to play out a lot throughout our relationship. I just hope that it goes as smoothly.
Marea has been drawing a ton of rainbows lately. She is really working on them and they're getting better! And for the first time a few days ago, (while in San diego with Mary and Jonas and Harper) Marea wrote her name with all the letters in a line, just as it should look. It was awesome!
Little Miss Firebutt has finally figured out the firebutt thing. She knows that certain fruits mean firebutt. I'm not sure if she knows that's she's the one who gets "FIRE BUTT" and how it all relates in the big picture, but there is nothing funnier than pushing her in a cart in a store, and having her enthusiastically point out and say 'firebutt!' at all the oranges, lemons, grapefruit, juices, berries, etc., that give her firebutt. And actually, the firebutt has been improving! Hopefully it will be over soon and she will enjoy citrus like the rest of us. Speaking of shopping carts...has there ever been a child more difficult to contain in one? Evie never wants to sit in it! It's so dangerous and it's so hard to take her anywhere because she is constantly trying to stand up in the cart. She just can't sit still!
Evie is also very excited to announce "I did it!". She does it A LOT, and it's extremely adorable to hear her exclaim it with joy. She says it about so many different things....putting something in the trash, figuring out a toy, drawing a picture....whatever it is that she has done worthy of an "I did it!". May she always remain that excited to accomplish things!
One of the girls favorite things to do together right now, in the car, is make up songs. Marea say, "Evie, sing, 'i'm a rainbow' , and Evie will say 'i bain-bow', and Marea will say, "Evie, say, 'pretty flowers', and Evie will say, 'pretty floors', and Marea will crack up. It's pretty funny, and it can go on for a long time. Everyone also loves to sing part of a song, only to have Evie finish it. Such as 'twinkle twinkle little...... and then Evie responds with star. She sings a lot their favorite car songs in this way. It's just too cute. I love watching them have fun together.

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