Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Back to the grind, and happy about it

We're back in a groove, for now :) I'm enjoying it and I hope the girls are too. Marea is back in school, and we get our Tuesdays there together, which is still wonderful. I have watched her change a lot at school. She's been a bit more assertive in her play, getting what SHE wants instead of just going along. And she's a bit more social at school now. She mostly plays with Mia, but she also talks about Talia, and a few others. I hope she expands those horizons a bit more in the future.
We also got out with the Mom's group lately. I planned a park playdate at Canyon park and so many moms and old. It brought back some of that goodness of the lazy park days that I seem to be missing so much right now. Just a big group of like-minded women, hanging out, chasing our kids, chatting, playing...heaven. Marea had fun playing Peter Pan with Jack and Bella and Madison. Evie ate sand and bumped her head multiple times. It was perfect!
Today we went on a fun outing to Pretend City. Very cool. We spent about three hours there before Marea kind of wanted to leave. But I bet she could of stayed. She really liked playing in the house, grocery store, stage and farm. Evie liked the balance boards, the house and the farm. They both got to pet baby chicks. We had fun just being together, the 3 of us.
And now an edition of Fave's, since I don't know if I've done any of these for Evie yet...
Evie's favorite foods...definitely beans (bean soups, black beans, etc) soups (the kid goes crazy on vegetable soups!), blueberries, and CHEESE! She is a dairy freak, although I try to limit it a bit.
Evie's words...Cheese when I take a picture (so funny!), kit-tie, taci (paci), nack (snack), BA-BA, and I love how she can finish the sentences in a book when you leave out a keyword that she knows, and how she says 'mo' and signs it like crazy the minute we step into any grocery store. Which reminds me of another funny thing (well not really), she loves to stand up in the seat in shopping carts!! No label reading for me!

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