Wow! That happened fast. As it always does these days, since i'm busy chasing my two little ones. So much has happened.
We had a wonderful holiday with a few bumps. Homer got sick and that made busy even more busy. But we managed to enjoy a lot of holiday goodness anyways. In fact, maybe it slowed me down just enough to get me to enjoy the big picture just a little bit more. We went to the Costa Mesa Snoopy house one night to see the decorations. We went down the street to the light show at the house on Meredith St., where the lights are set to music. We went to see the neighborhood light display at the brookhurst/heil sts. And best of all, we went to the Newport Beach Boat Parade and got the very best spot in the house for checking out the boat parade. The kids absolutely loved that. Decorating our house happened slowly and steadily, something I've really come to enjoy and savor. We had the family holiday party at our house one week before Christmas, and that stretched the holiday out a bit more too. We had a lot of Christmas. The big day came, Santa came, and Marea enjoyed it more than ever. She got her own computer, a big toy horse, a lite brite, princess nightgowns, tinkerbell toys, a few games, lots of new books...a huge success and one happy little girl who has played her heart out all day today with all her new stuff. It's fun to spoil the kids on Christmas. That's the best present for any parent!
Another fun thing we did recently was go to Marea's first movie theater movie...The Princess and the Frog! We went with Kate and Madison to an afternoon show. We got popcorn and candy and we watched the whole movie. She got a little restless, and thankfully the theater was empty so Marea and Madison got to jump around a bit. Afterwards we went and got the music CD and she loves it. We're listening in the car all the time! I'm glad to have some new kid music, finally!
Evie has been her crazy baby old self. She is a CLIMBER! I thought Marea climbed a lot, and I was wrong. Evie climbs on everything. She can climb up onto Marea's bed...up and over the railing. She'll climb up the rocker in her room and onto the bed in there. And she loves to climb and stand on every stool, box, crate, anything-she-can-possibly-stand-on thing in the house. She absolutely loves to be outside. And she knows the shoes/jacket routine before going out. She gets so excited she runs and pounds on the door when she knows we're going outside. Sometimes she runs straight for the garage and climbs up on Marea's tricycle, or she'll take off down the sidewalk. Her run is so darn cute...and FAST. She is so physical. She loves to dance and move! Her favorite show is still Yo Gabba Gabba. I don't know what it is about that show, but she is enthralled by it. She has a pretty awful cold right now and it's very hard to see her feeling yucky. She doesn't seem to bounce back from colds as well as Marea used to. Thankfully it's just a cold though, and not the awful stomach flu that rocked me two days before Christmas!