Saturday, October 24, 2009

Things to remember.....

-Our conversations in the car.  I loved the recent one about her getting big and having her own house, right next to mommy and daddy's house, and Evie could live with her and she will take good care of Evie.  And maybe mommy and daddy can live there too.  
-The big slide in Utah.   So much fun.  And making fairy houses. 
-'playing' halloween.  She's gonna be a fairy this year. 
-her green bikini is her 'zu-kini'.  Or, zucchini.  And cupcakes are still pu-cakes.  
-Marea's current favorite song..."strike the bell", on the sailor songs CD.  

-the Evie spin.  
-da da da da da da.  Baby.  Still.  
-she loves beans!  black beans, kidney beans, canellini beans.  But nooooo citrus. It gives her fire butt!
-latest words...shoe, sock, rock, juice.... i gotta get it on video.  
-she LOVES her bath.  Everytime she walks in the bathroom, she does the sign for bath.  
-all done with the milkies.  so sad!

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