Sometimes it seems like we're getting into a groove. Especially since Marea started school, and now there is a bit more structure to our life. Or maybe it's just MY life that feels a bit more structured, now that I have a little more free time? Well, free, meaning, one less kid for a few hours a week :) I guess I *am* finally tackling a lot of little projects that i've been meaning to do for a long time. It feels good. Sometimes I feel a little bit guilty about sending Marea off to school, because I love it so much. I really dig that free time right now. And it makes me a better mom. I am more energized, and more organized. But something that really keeps me in check, and feeling a little more balanced, is that I get to work at the school! We call them 'special mommy and Marea days at school'. I love being there! I get to see everything that she gets to do, I get to watch her play and interact with other kids, and I get to interact with her friends, their parents, and her teachers on a much more personal level than I think I would of at other schools. All around, I think this school is a perfect fit for us. It is going to be so much fun to watch her grow in this environment. It's a new, exciting facet of our lives. Evie loves it too. When I tell her it's time to go pick up Marea, she goes running for the door. "ray a, ray a". And she loves running across the playground on our walk to the school. And when I open the gate, she know right where to go, and right now, she goes straight for the baby basket. 'da da da da da' is currently how she says 'baby'. I have no idea why, but of course I think it's absolutely adorable. Someday, Evie will love Hilltop too.
On the home front...Marea insists on wearing dresses that spin, or twirl. And it must do so JUST RIGHT or there may be tears. I went out over the weekend and got her a few warm dresses and tights and leggings, since it's officially fall now. But she's not completely satisfied with any of them. She's excited that they are a dress, not so impressed with how they twirl. Oh well. I better get used to this.
Evie is on fire, as usual. She will climb just about anything, fearlessly, and then scream out and dance with joy as she stands in a not so safe spot. She loves running across the room then falling into the green bag chair. And she's learning words! She can say 'shoe', 'juice', 'ray-a' and a few others....but ball is still 'cawl' or something like that. She's taken an interest in coloring and painting. She's sleeping until about 5:30 most days, and then sometimes goes back to sleep for another hour. It's been a long time coming, but she's FINALLY sleeping almost all the way thru. If only she could make it till 6:30 every day......