Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chili's Gang Days

Today we had one of our park days with the girls from my Chili's days.  Rachel with Lauren and Danielle, Kristen with Emma, Julia with Gabe, and Cathy with Dillan and Sophia.  We often meet at Livingston park in Belmont Shore (my old stompin' grounds!) for some fun on the extra super fancy new playground down there.  The kids all play together really well and us girls get to catch up a bit.  One of my favorite things about these days (besides the fact that we have all been friends for SO long and being together is ALWAYS super fun), is that we got each other's backs.  Everyone watches everyone else's kids.  We used to be the Chili's waitress team, and now we're a team of moms.  Today was also special because we went to lunch at SuperMex after the park.  It's been so long since i've eaten there....brought back memories, for sure.  Except this time, we had our stroller brigade, and no corona's were drank.  My how things change.  And how so very much they stay the same.  

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