Marea, stop bugging baby evie! "but i wuv her!"
Mama sitting on the couch looking at the computer while Marea watches Little Bear...."mama, i wuv you". Now what could be better than that?
Christmas just happened. This was the first Christmas that Gary and I have ever woken up in our 0wn house, and I was pretty excited about it. Just like she wanted, Marea got a bunch of puzzles. She was pretty excited. At first she wanted to open the presents one by one and open each one and play with them, but that was taking her a long time. So Gary and I introduced her to the joy of ripping open present after present right in a row. I think she got the idea. Christmas still wasn't a big thing for her. By the end, she was getting it....'Oh, more presents!' Of course I don't want a kid who just loves Christmas for the presents. But I remember feeling like that as a kid, and what's the harm? I mean, really, that's the best part about it. All the new toys! And I turned into a pretty good adult who loves Christmas for the season and the friends and family and mostly, the food. Especially the cookies. And in my past life, the wine. Someday.....
What I won't miss about Christmas is FROSTY. I must of listened to that song at least a hundred times in the past month. As long as I kept it playing in the car, she was quiet. And since quiet is pretty hard to come by these days, I somewhat happily played it over and over and over, so I could have my own thoughts for a bit. That is, if Evie wasn't screaming. Boy, that kid HATES the car. She goes nuts in the car!
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