Thursday, November 13, 2008

Locked up!

First it was our bedroom door, which we had to use a hammer to break off the door knob to get her out.  THEN it was the bathroom, and that took it to a whole new level.  When I called locksmiths, they said it was a liability with a 2 year old stuck in the bathroom, so I had to call the police to come and try and get her out.  None of their tricks worked, so they ended up kicking in the door (which shattered into many pieces) to get her out.  Before they did that, I told her to go climb into the bath tub so she wouldn't be in the way.  But she couldn't climb in because her jammies were down around her ankles.   My poor baby!  She was definitely not happy to see those three men dressed in black standing there either.  But now we look at the door and talk about it, and she seems to find the humor in it.  

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