Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Current Obsessions

There are a lot of fishies to point out at grandma and grandpa's house. Marea sees all of them and i'm seeing many of them for the first time myself. It's a pretty fun game. Marea says 'fishie', and I try to find it. The fishie pajamas are also a hit right now. Two mornings now have begun with a cheerful 'fishie' coming from the crib.
And who doesn't want their shoes on at 6 a.m.? Marea's other obsession right now is shoes. She loves putting on her own shoes and walking around the house, looking at her feet. But she's equally happy finding my shoes, or Gary's shoes, and bringing them over to us so we can put them on. "Mama shoe" and "Daddy shoe" can be heard several times throughout the day as she finds our shoes laying around the house.
Some other words she just loves repeating...cheese (favorite food), keys, car, NO, (actually it's 'no no no no no no') more (she's still signing it too, she does it over and over and over again repeating more more more!) down, pool (anytime she finds something pool related, such as our suits or towels, she'll say pool), jackie...she'll try to say just about anything these days. Hearing the little words come our of her mouth is just downright adorable. But then again, everything about her is absolutely adorable!

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