We kicked off our start here with Marea's First Birthday party. We almost kicked her out of the family when she wouldn't eat the cake! What's up with that? I can't believe our baby turned one. It has absolutely been the most wonderful and intense year of my life and I can't believe a whole year has gone by so quickly.
Then it was off to Mazatlan for a week of fun in the sun. Marea loved the ocean, the pool, tacos and sand. Mom and dad love beachside bar service and having help from cousin Lauren. And it was awesome spending time with Auntie Sam and Uncle Robby....we always end up getting treated like royalty when we're with them. The penthouse suite with our very own pool was fantastic....for Marea to skinny dip in. A good time was had by all.
We just returned from Marea's first camping trip, we headed out to El Capitan State Beach in Santa Barbara. We somehow didn't pack the tent poles so we ended up renting a posh 'tent cabin' at a very nice upscale campground. We had beds, clean sheets and towels, nice bathrooms with showers, maid service and lots of other fancy amenities. Marea was the campground rooster, waking each day in her usual good mood which involves lots of happy screeching and babbling. Marea enjoyed the freedom of wandering outside. I suppose the universe was telling us something by setting us up for success this time around. Next time we're doing the real tent thing!
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