And Marea's answer was: 'Evie, you're going to the doctor to get 155 shots, and i'm going to Disneyland!'. HA HA!!!! If only all of their fighting was this funny.
They are definitely able to push each others buttons a lot these days. Most of the time it's a simple 'I don't want Yea-Ya to talk!' or, 'No singing Evie!'. These little things seem to turn into screaming matches that make me crazy. I've got to figure out this whole sibling relationship thing. What parts of it do I let go....and just let them duke it out...and when do I intervene? I guess it will be a learning experience for all of us. But Marea's comment yesterday definitely made me laugh. Probably because Evie didn't get upset. When I laughed it off and said 'We're going nowhere!', Evie just looked at me with those big, curious, happy eyes and said, 'Mama, can we go yes-where?'