Sunday, October 17, 2010

Utah-Fall edition

Monsters Vs. Aliens and the new Tinkerbell movie; water balloon fights; marea's solo dance performance followed by one with grandpa; our night hike, the froggie pool and big slide with auntie sam (and a doodie!); carving a pumpkin with grandpa and using veggies to garnish it; making caramel apple chunks. And making memories without a camera ever coming out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Boogers and such

Marea: Eew, i'm not eating this booger, it's bloody.
Me: Marea, do you normally eat your boogers?
Marea: Yes
Me: That's gross.
Marea: But they're so slobbery and sweet!

Me, to Evie: Come on Honey!
Evie: I not honey, I wee-wee!


Evie is also going through a "my tooth is loose" thing. She loves the little bear episode where he loses a tooth, and now tells us every day, that her tooth is loose.