It is so wonderful to see Marea and Jackie becoming such great friends! At the beginning of summer, when we first moved, Jackie wasn't too interested in playing with Marea. But over the course of the past few months, as Marea has grown up a bit, and become more interested in Jackie, the two of them have starting developing a relationship that is sure to become great friendship.
Marea can say Jackie's name, and will often talk about her. When we pull into their neighborhood, or up to grandma and grandpa's house, Marea knows and starts chattering about Jackie. If I mention that we are going to go see Jackie, she will often run for the front door and start pounding on it, like...arn't we going right now, mom?
"C'mon, Baby 'Rea!" That is the adorable way Jackie will entice Marea into playing one of her games. Thankfully, Jackie is mostly interested in running around with Marea, playing some sort of chase game. Marea certainly isn't interested in sitting down and focusing on anything right now. She wants to run around! They will run around, and poke at each other or bump into each other and squeal or let out a dual scream. It's very cute.
In a very short time, Emily will be part of the mix too! Now that is going to be fun...the three of them, this summer, at the beach.
Other fun stuff:
MMMMMMmmmmm-ma! Marea's version of a kiss. The cutest and sweetest kiss! Besides when she blows a kiss. How adorable is that?
Favorite song: She loves to sing "happy and ya know no-no-no-no-it". But she also loves dancing to her new cd from auntie sam. And when listening to her music in the car, she will often declare "dance!" and then gary and i must start groovin!
Could we possibly be close to potty training? For the past few days, Marea has been announcing her poops. Sometimes its before and sometimes it's after, but she definitely is understanding what is going on. It didnt' take long at all her to figure it out. Now Gary and I must get diligent about running her up to the potty! Stay tuned on this one!