Friday, February 16, 2007

Because We Can

Need I say more?

Sometimes being the parent is just too much fun.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Wild Thing

I think this picture pretty much sums up the past week:

The child has gone completely nuts. She literally tries to climb the walls. She is into absolutely everything except her toys, and she gets MAD when I take things away from her. And of course the new found excitement of standing in her crib is seriously sabotaging my nap efforts. I spend the majority of my day chasing her around. Distraction is my biggest ally.
She's loving every minute of it!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

She (kind of) likes green beans!

I've been on a quest to find more veggies for Marea to eat. Avocado got spit out and peas gave her a nasty rash. Yesterday we tried green beans and I think they're a go! Although, she did throw them up. But maybe that's because I went running with her in the stroller too soon after she ate them. Because today she had them again and no barf! And she even made that cute little 'mmmmmm' sound a few times. Not after every bite like she usually does though.

I must admit, I feel guilty giving them to her because they're just so gross. I gave her some apples afterward just to get that awful taste out of her mouth.

She also loves this little device-a mesh bag that I can put soft foods in for her to chew on. Keeps the big chunks out. Very messy and disgusting, but tons of fun!

And finally...some daddy time.